Parenting Wins and Wisdom

Date: 12/7/18

QIC: Squatter (filling in for Ginger)

Pax: Johnny 5, Monkey, Pinto, T-Bird, Spam, Dipstick, Speedwalker, Swan, CDC, Jefferson, Sega (2.0), Squatter

The Thang:

Parenting Wins…and Wisdom

The Pax shared their parenting wins and wisdom. Here are a few of the nuggets that were mined:

Count to 10 when you/they get angry (Pinto)

Teach your kids not to steal by scaring the crap out of them by making them take responsibility for it.
(Dipstick, Monkey, Swan, probably some others)

Make time to spend with them one on one even if you have things to do…one day they will stop asking…and it will pay off later when they open up to you or want to spend time with you as an adult. (Spam, Jefferson, T-Bird)

How we are raising our kids will influence our kids parenting. (Johnny 5)

Wins=character that you see later (Jefferson)

Let them have an opinion but parents have the last word. Hear them out…within reason. (J5)

Creative on punishment. Pain of the punishment has to be greater than the pleasure of the wrong. (J5)

Be their parent not their friend…the friendship will come later. (J5)

Pay for half of car instills work ethic, value of money, saving and appreciation for car. (Monkey)

Don’t shield them from financial information in family. (Squatter)

You can’t always get what you want. (Dipstick?)

Prayer: Squatter

I appreciate the wisdom this morning men! I need all I can get, especially since I have 5…no wait…6 kids? I guess I have more opportunities to screw up but also more opportunities to point them to Christ. I didn’t share this morning but my biggest parenting win is acknowledging when I blow it as a parent, apologizing to my kids, and then admitting that I need God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s power to live a righteous life…just as bad as my kids.

Thanks for sharpening each other this morning.


Sign up to Q for 1st and 3rd( Go to the Menu and click on Q Calendar. Type your name in an open area next to a workout date. Do it…or Ginger may come and get you!
F3 Florence Christmas Party, Friday, December 14th, 5:30-6:15am. Come out and have some breakfast, fellowship, see the awards ceremony, and compete in the Golden Hammer Challenge! The nominations for this year’s awards are in. If you have not voted…vote! It will take less than a minute.
Prayer Requests:

Ginger has the collywobbles.
Spam will be having back surgery soon.
Johnny 5 will be traveling to Wisconsin for work.

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